April 27, 2023—I'm live on Inspire Nation! "How to Connect with Your Pet’s Spirit After They Pass Away..."


As your intuitive and integrative coach, I can help you connect with your ideal vision for who you are in life, and what you want to be.

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"Your mind cannot take you where your heart longs to go."

Debbie Ford

Listen to Megan on Inspire Nation

Listen to my interview, "How to Connect with Your Pet’s Spirit After They Pass Away"

I was born with a deep passion to heal.

What I wanted to be...

As a wide-eyed elementary school kid with a penchant for fantasy,  I was just like Dr. Doolittle talking to the animals.

By middle school, my desire to be “normal” socially had begun to outweigh my deep yearning to communicate with animals, so I set my sights on becoming The World’s Best Veterinarian. I was certain I was going to grow up to be exactly like James Herriot from All Creatures Great and Small.

But by high school, I was an average student struggling to fit in and make good grades. My abilities to connect on a psychic level were quickly being drowned by my beliefs that I was incompetent; I would never be anything great, much less a doctor. I became content with complacency. That worked fairly well for me until 2002.

That's when those buried desires came roaring back to life.

That summer I had a horse who was lame. Each vet I worked with gave me bad news and one even told me to just give her back to the breeder. Clearly, THAT wasn’t going to happen because I loved her, so I embarked upon my quest for more answers.

This quest ultimately led me to become an Animal Communicator, Certified Equine Massage Therapist and Energy Healing Practitioner.

During this time I signed up to train in a highly specialized modality of healing. I showed up to the class with no specific experience, and found myself alongside physical therapists and licensed vets from all over the world.

Why was this a problem? Because at the time, I ran a coffee shop. My “you’re too stupid to do this” shadow was raging at me, and by the time the final exam came I was panicked.

The exam was “simple.” I was given a volunteer dog to examine and determine the “issue at hand”. Then, using our training, I was expected to deliver a protocol and heal the “issue”. I froze. I was nauseated. Everything I had learned disappeared in a poof of my old test taking anxiety and I was absolutely certain I was going to fail.

And then it happened.

That golden retriever TOLD ME what was wrong with her and what to do.

Completely sure I was out of my mind, but also absolutely desperate not to fail, I did as instructed. And I passed that test not just with flying colors but with a document of certification to prove that I had passed my training and was now an “Animal Healing Practitioner”. It felt like a miracle had happened.

I finally realized it was true. I was, in fact, psychic, and could hear and communicate with animals of all kinds – including people!

In my local community, I became known as "the dog whisperer." While working with animals, I realized it was often their human companions that most needed my help. After working with their pets, many of my clients turned to me for guidance for their own personal development.

After doing psychic readings for years, I started to realize that although they were mind-blowing and inspiring, they didn’t always help my clients actually transform their lives. At least, not to the degree in which I KNEW they could.

I wanted my psychic readings to not only connect my clients with what was happening in their lives but to assist them in creating the outcomes they desired.

I became more and more fascinated with the workings of the human mind, and how we ultimately sabotage our dreams and desires.

And just like that, I dropped into the lap of life coaching.

I became certified in many modalities from energy medicine to past life regression therapy. I voraciously devoured the teachings of Brian Weiss, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, and Carolyn Myss. I studied, trained and am Certified in Past Life Regression TherapyThe Ford Institute Shadow Coaching and Martha Beck's Wayfinder Coaching Program.

I was amassing the tools that would take my psychic readings to the next level but it all had to work for me too...

I had devoted myself to all of this training during a very difficult time in my life.  My marriage had ended and I was a single mother trying to launch an unconventional career.

To make matters worse, I found myself once again engulfed in another tumultuous relationship.  I was desperate to break free but I was terrified. I knew why I wanted to get out, but I didn’t know how. I was stuck. I was scared to death. My anxiety was off the charts, dropping me into an uncharacteristic depression. I enlisted a psychic of my own to do a reading for me. He told me that my relationship was definitely over, I was with the wrong person and I had to get out.

That reading left me feeling validated, but it did NOTHING to help me do what I was most afraid to do, which was leave.

Ultimately the tools that I use with my own clients to help them thrive are the very tools that set me free.

They gave me clarity.

They gave me courage.

They gave me my life back!

Today, when you schedule a session with me,  feeling stuck, confused and anxious, I can help you navigate the process.

I can connect you with your own internal body compass which has the power to guide you back onto your path.

I have tools to help you dissolve your unwanted thoughts, your limiting beliefs and your shadows that are at play in your psyche.

I can help you connect with your ideal vision for who you are and what you want to be. I can help you get back to you.

I believe deeply in your divine knowing and I want to connect you with the part of you who is wise beyond words and has always had all of your answers.

I will guide you using powerful distinctions, internal processes, and playful exercises.

I will use my intuitive radar to guide you through the sometimes murky waters.

Intuitive and Integrative coaching will take you from the fear in your head and back into the peace that is waiting within your heart. You will break free from your limiting beliefs which are keeping you from experiencing true joy, and from living out YOUR dreams.

I will help you find your path.

I will help you find your courage.

I will help your soul to speak.


Let's Meet!

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Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and
rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.

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