The Soul Speak Experience Package

Have you found yourself at a crossroad, feeling blocked, indecisive, confused or even scared to death?

Unveiling your deepest desires may be just the key you are looking for.

Let’s spend a few weeks together exploring how your body, your mind and your spirit are feeling and how they are steering the core of your Essential Self.

When we find ourselves struggling with a decision and we don’t have a solution to a problem we will often shut down or distract ourselves; often with toxic or addictive behaviors.

Our bodies will protest sometimes even in the form of sickness.

Our minds will create stories of terror.

And our Spirits will suffer.

This creates a cycle of despair and puts us directly between the proverbial Rock and the Hard Place.

In the quintessential Soul Speak "Body, Mind, Spirit" Experience you will connect with your truest and most essential desires.

You will unveil the limiting beliefs and thoughts that sabotage your success. And you will find your way from the darkness of confusion and into the light of awareness and passion.

Using very powerful tools, you will connect directly to the inner whisperings of your psyche and the Divine Wisdom within you.

You have always had the answers to the questions that plague you, but have you forgotten the secret language of your soul?  Have you forgotten how to listen?

Here we will spend at least three weeks learning and implementing tools designed to reconnect you to your dreams. Tools such as:

  • How to connect with your Body Compass
  • Dream analysis
  • Thought dissolving
  • Stilling the mind

Together we will harness and implement the tools that will support you in releasing you from your fear, guiding you back to the path of freedom and adventure.

If you’d like more information — and a profoundly transformative taste — of this remarkable experience, start by booking a preliminary Soul Speak session.


Let's Meet!

Book Your First Session

Our first phone call will be 90 minutes. Choose your date and time below and pay securely with your credit card via PayPal. If you are unsure about taking the leap, book a free 20-minute consult here.


Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and
rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.

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